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Student Engagement

  • BTU Student Council (Department for University Politics)

    June 2023 - July 2024

    The department for University Policies represents the interests of the students on a federal state level and where applicable also on the national and higher education level. This requires regular contact with the administration of the university and the ministry of Science, Research and Culture.

  • BRANDSTUVE (Brandenburg Student Representation)

    April 2023 - March 2024

    The BRANDSTUVE is an association representing students from universities in Brandenburg. It advocates for student interests in political matters, facilitates collaboration among student bodies, and engages with the Ministry of Science, Research, and Culture. The spokesperson council, elected annually, oversees organization, public relations, and negotiations, such as those related to the semester ticket.

  • Board of IT Students

    Jan 2021 - Jan 2023

    The FSR IT (Board of IT Students) at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg represents students in IT-related fields such as Computer Science, Cyber Security, and Artificial Intelligence. It assists students with academic issues, organizes events, and manages resources for the IT student community. The board also advocates for students' interests within the university and provides support during their studies.

  • BTU Academic Comitees

    March 2020 - February 2024

    The Faculty Board at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg oversees academic self-governance, including setting academic policies, approving new programs, and ensuring the quality of education within the faculty. The Examination Board is responsible for organizing and conducting examinations, ensuring compliance with examination regulations, and handling student appeals related to exams. Both boards play a critical role in maintaining academic standards and supporting the university's governance structure.

Contact me

IT is more than an hobby for me. It's a passion and a way of life. I am always open for new challenges and exciting projects. Learning from awesome people and growing alongside them has been one of the most rewarding aspects.

Phone number
+49 1575 4717534
Straße der Einheit 5d, 15749 Mittenwalde